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Digital Catalogue  Portal

date. 2021

client. São Paulo Municipal Department of Education

The Digital Catalogue Portal is a website that provides the publications produced by the São Paulo Municipal Department of Education and its Coordination and Divisions. The idea is to make available as if it were a public library that brings from teaching materials to support teachers and students, to the dissemination of contracts and HR documents, all in one place.


My role


In this project I was responsible for the UX and UI design

The challenge and Goal


The day-to-day of the Department of Education involve a big amount of documentation, files and materials of the most diverse types that are in constant exchange. The problem here is that each responsible group concentrates this information in a different way, so it's very easy to come across outdated versions or cloud storage links that you have to ask for access every time is needed.


With this we define the following starting point:

How to group all the materials in just one place that facilitates your searches to the necessary audience, but that also helps the coordinators and divisions to control and import these materials?



When this project came to me in 2020, it was in the final testing phase to have its first release, but it was temporarily paused and resumed in 2021.


With this new opportunity, I started performing a heurisic analysis of what already existed in order to review flows and usability improvements. The next steps involved prototyping and validation with the P.O and the developer.

First Tests


As said, I analyzed and generated some test reports of the first version of this portal using the QuantUX tool.


With it 15 non-moderated tests were were performed, bringing us the validation of the flows through recorded videos of the screen and heat maps.


A post-test questionnaire was also sent to users with key questions on how to view documents and this results was also added to the initial reports.


Heuristic Analysis


When the project returns now in 2021, the P.O brought as a requirement to review the usability of the portal.


As the flows had been previously validated, I decided to apply a heuristic analysis on the portal and actually understand the points to be improved.


I presented a report of improvements found and that was my basis for prototyping the new version.

New Version of the Portal


Now with a clear guideline of what needed to be improved, I prototyped the new home page and its micro interactions, in addition to reformulating the presentation of the search feature and the filter results feature, which were the areas with the highest number of problems identified.


The way the old filters were implemented, they didn't prevent errors, making it easy to fall into empty pages. And worst of all, there was no way to return the search before filtering.

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Mobile version


A huge gain from this project was being able to actually plan the mobile version, since it was identified that many users would access via smartphone. The biggest difference from the previous version was that, using two columns of information on the results page, the screen could brought more results at a time.


Final Design with video

All illustrations presented here are by Giovanna Zanettim. Template by Urban Artist.

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